put https://openapi2.mlytics.com/api/v2/wafs//advanced_cache_rules/
This call updates advanced cache rules in a batch.
This request will be handled as a single transaction. All rules must exist and the priority must not repeat.
If there is an error, the entire operation fails.
Assume that the domain api-example.references.net
has 4 following rules:
"id": "e4ae13d5-7ba5-46d2-a853-fefc24921f9e",
"name": "alpha",
"priority": 1,
"id": "0bd5136b-3911-48e0-9ffe-f0efa686c0df",
"name": "beta",
"priority": 2,
"id": "1011e7e2-7518-40e5-abe6-66cf254a022f",
"name": "gamma",
"priority": 3,
"id": "2fca4dc6-5f14-4271-babe-a11a28b4f982",
"name": "delta",
"priority": 4,
The request example Swap rule priority shows how to swap priority for the rule named "beta" and "delta".
Requires API Key as
request header orapikey
URL query parameter.
Rate Limit: 5 requests/min