API Reference

Batch Update Edge Rules

This call updates edge rules (HTTP header rewrite) in a batch.

This request will be handled as a single transaction. All rules must exist and the priority must not repeat.
If there is an error, the entire operation fails.

Assume that the domain api-example.references.net has 4 following rules:

      "id": "e4ae13d5-7ba5-46d2-a853-fefc24921f9e",
      "name": "alpha",
      "priority": 1,
      "id": "0bd5136b-3911-48e0-9ffe-f0efa686c0df",
      "name": "beta",
      "priority": 2,
      "id": "1011e7e2-7518-40e5-abe6-66cf254a022f",
      "name": "gamma",
      "priority": 3,
      "id": "2fca4dc6-5f14-4271-babe-a11a28b4f982",
      "name": "delta",
      "priority": 4,

The request example Swap rule priority shows how to swap priority for the rule named "beta" and "delta".

Requires API Key as apikey request header or apikey URL query parameter.

Rate Limit: 5 requests/min

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!